Our Vision

Viswa Bharathi University envisioned to narrow down the gulf between the actual rate of formation of human capital and the ideal rate required to take care of the developmental needs of the nation at this juncture. Viswa Bharathi University is committed to impart education and training on par with those in developed nations. The University will play the crucial role in the higher education segment of the nation with special emphasis on Engineering and Technology, Medical and Para Medical Sciences, Information Technology, Commerce and Business Management.

The university has identified the four corners of its base as Teaching, Research, Publications and Training.

The University gives due recognition and keeps abreast of the rapid changes in the environment and brings about modification in the curriculum, instruction methodology so as to play a major role among the universities world wide. Apart from lying upon the academic exercises and theoretical knowledge base the University focuses upon the ability of the learner to apply the theoretical knowledge base in solving various problems being faced by the nation. Appropriate innovative programmes will be initiated to test the students skills both as leaders and individuals on this Front.

The learners will be imparted technical, analytical, human and conceptual skills and special emphasis will be given to imbibe managerial values and to show unflinching commitment to the professional code of conduct and ethics.

The University undertakes to upgrade the syllabi on sustained basis by evolving suitable operational mechanism to take care of this core function. The University introduces such systems where the degree of academic maturity of the learners is assessed at the entry level itself. To safeguard the interests of the student with reasonable academic maturity, they will be placed under appropriate programmes to defend their interests in terms of time.

For these categories of students devices like lateral entry system, accelerated learning system etc., will be introduced to enable them to accomplish their academic commitments on a fast track basis.

The University maintains good rapport with the industry and the latter is encouraged to take active part in the areas of designing courses and framing the syllabi. The interaction will be extended to other areas on the criteria of mutual benefit and sharing and sharing of understanding.

The University lays emphasis on research and publications. The treasures of talent are discovered through the process of continuous assessment and research projects in vital areas of science, assessment and evaluation technology and management will be taken up.

The University constitutes a knowledge center, which is the focal point for the university to emerge as a center of excellence. The publication work which takes the form of in-house journal, reading material and standard textbooks and thesis is structured around the knowledge center. In order to augment the quality and quantity of the publications the knowledge center enters into MOUS with its counter parts in various universities the world over.

The University offers programmes on and off campus basis. Study centers are established throughout the country to be transformed into centers of academic excellence over a period of time to nable those deprived of formal education and training through distance mode.

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