Our Emblem

Education enlivens the spirit of man and it enlightens humanity. Education is to man, what spirituality is to soul. It bestows honour and veneration on man beside riches and prosperity. It elevates man to the pinnacle of success and glory, where men are adored and worshipped. It is the one that makes a man conform to lofty ideas, which set the goal for the attainment of noble objectives in life. It elevates our character and raises us to a high plane.

The logo depicts India prominently on the globe placed in lotus. The rays of sun representing source of knowledge illuminates everything around it. It dispels darkness of ignorance and the book placed helps in awakening the consciousness of knowledge and wisdom.

Human being born in the darkness and glooms of ignorance comes out and blossoms with knowledge and wisdom acquired though the process of formal education and training, as is the characteristic of lotus, which grows in the murky water, yet sprouts and blossoms out free from the darkness and gloom of polluted water. It is education that inculcates among men the characteristic feature of lotus that remains buried in the marshy and filthy soil yet remain untouched and unpolluted.

The literal meaning of Viswa Bharathi is construed as Universal Scholar. Viswa means Universe Bharathi refers to a Scholar. Viswa Bharathi is symbolically depicted in the logo, by thickly marking Bharath in the Viswa, as Bhararh being the part and parcel of Viswa. It signifies and delineates that India is not confined education wise to its boundaries, but reaches out far beyond in terms of cultural and educational compatibility encompassing within its fold the real education of man and morality which is the only immortal truth in this moral and surreal world.

Bharath being the soul of wisdom has the four Vedas engraved thousands of years ago throwing light upon the path of mankind. The philosophy and ideology evolved, the cultural and ethical values taught, the life style followed during the vedic era are inherited by the nation from the ancestors.

Viswa Bharathi University imparts education of global standards and inculcates the Indian values and ethics. Every student of Viswa Bharathi University is “A Viswa Bharathi” in its intrinsic sense. The slogan reflects upon the university to produce technocrats scientists and professionals with positive attitude, unbiased perception and global perspectives, which will enable “Every Viswa Bharathi’ to develop transnational mobility and avail themselves of the opportunities made available and make them competent and compatible enough to work in any environment across the globe.

Thus the logo depicts India as an epitome of knowledge spreading the rays of wisdom transcending the visible frontiers so as to make human life meaningful and worth living. The fragrance of education travels across the regional, social, economic and cultural barriers and helps to instill and imbibe the values, morals and ethics which are considered to be the essential ingredients for building such a society the qualities of which finally remain as impeccable hallmark of true learning.

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